Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Food Lies!

food lies

Let's be honest, how many of these lies do you believe? I have been guilty of number one and number four. I actually didn't think I needed to eat so much to keep my metabolism up (isn't there some rule though about eating breakfast and metabolism?) I was eating frequently to keep blood sugars up. I used to have a problem with hypoglycemia because I was eating way, way too many carbs! I manage it with a healthy, low carb (read healthy carb) diet.

My reason for number four - the bag was almost empty - was because I hated putting an almost, but not quite empty package back in the cupboard. Now, if the package is almost empty but I've measured out my serving, I just throw it away. I know, I'm wasting food, but buying into the "must clean your plate" mentality has not helped our waist sizes. Another thing that helps is that I seldom eat anything that comes in a package as it is more than likely some overly processed and non-nutritious food.

So read the list, see where you are and let me know what you think! Do you have other lies you tell yourself about food?

The Food Lies We Tell Ourselves

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